CS Packaging Blog

Industrial Packaging Solutions to Consider for E-Commerce

Now’s the time to improve your industrial and ecommerce packaging. The packaging you use for your business products represent your brand, so make sure you're sending a positive message. And although many in the industry prefer traditional, time-tested packaging, it takes a bit more than a simple cardboard box to stand out in this saturated market. Use these tips to ensure your industrial...

Category: eCommerce Shipping

What Does Drop Ship Mean? The Impact of ‘Dropshipping’ on eCommerce

Throughout the years, the different styles of marketing and selling have evolved. From door to door sales to visiting retail stores and spending hours at the mall. The growth of selling products has shifted once again and is now making a change in eCommerce. Online businesses have boomed over the past several years. However, the stress of holding an inventory, packaging, and shipping are...