CS Packaging Blog

Custom Floor & Counter Top Displays: Standing Out (+ Budgeting for It)

Image courtesy of ODM Group. In business, the "elevator pitch" is crucial. That's the story, anecdote, or explanation of a product that can be delivered in the time it takes an elevator to reach its destination. In the B2C sphere, your packaging and presentation become that elevator pitch -- and the harder they are to see, enjoy, or understand, the harder you'll have to work to sell your...

10 Steps to Ensuring Compliance with Shipping Regulations

When choosing product packaging materials, there is more to consider than just what looks good. The reality is, there are all sorts of inspections, regulations, and compliance requirements to consider before you ship your product. Failure to follow these with your packaging can mean money and time wasted, and a bad reputation for your business. We've compiled some of the most important c...