CS Packaging Blog

CS Packaging

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How Branding and Custom Packaging Influences Customer Experience

Branding and custom packaging is a necessary and worthwhile investments. When the month of January rolls around the appearance of red-themed displays and heart-shaped packaging lets consumers know February (and Valentine’s Day) is just around the corner. Sales around Valentine’s Day average $22 billion, due in part to heart-shaped product branding and packaging. Like the heart-shaped can...

Custom Packaging Solutions for Subscription Services

Throughout the global pandemic, many businesses small and large needed new creative ways to sell their products to potential customers. A popular option that accounts for a large percentage of eCommerce sales is subscription boxes. We saw subscription boxes for everything from beauty products to electronic gadgets and more, and the trend isn’t slowing down. But custom subscription boxes ...

Breaking Down Custom Packaging Supplies

From cosmetics to electronics, how your goods are packaged says a lot about your brand. No one likes opening something brand new to find out it was either broken, wrinkled, or otherwise damaged. To prevent this, custom packaging supplies have been integrated into nearly every industry. But why? Breaking Down Custom Packaging Supplies To understand the impacts of custom packaging supplies...

Benefits of Working with an Advanced B2B Packaging Solutions Provider

Can't get your products to market fast enough because of bottlenecks in the packaging process? It could be time to upgrade to a business-to-business (B2B) packaging solutions provider that offers a variety of automation technology. Regardless of whether your volume is in the thousands or over 1 million packages, working with a partner that offers automated solutions improves distribution...

E-Commerce Packaging: The Importance of Choosing a Reliable Provider

For e-commerce, packaging plays a huge role in assisting you with telling your brand's unique story to customers. It ensures you create a good first impression that gives your customers a personal touch. The best industrial packaging providers can transform your packaging from standard delivery boxes to a customized customer experience. Best of all? Once you have the right company in pla...